Team Versions will be accessible from:
the apps menu in the main navigation;
from the project sidebar;
Populated table
With builds available, the list is populated in a table with the following:
Start date
End date
Actions (Release, more options: Edit, Unrelease, Archive / Unarchive, Delete)
It’s possible to type on the search field to filter the versions and click the “All statuses” dropdown to filter the specific status of releases.
What can be done with versions
Users can perform various operations:
create / edit / archive / unarchive / release / unrelease / delete
Create Version
The user can create new versions, as seen previously, from the empty screen and then from a button on the top right side of the app.
Release Version
Archive Version
Delete Version
Version detail vision
Versions have a detail view.
view issues attached to the version
add issues
move issues to a different version
Issue view
User flows
Team Versions will be accessible from:
the issue view as a custom field.
Adding a version to an issue:
Team Versions is available as a custom field in the issue details.
When the user clicks the field, the field is focused, and a dropdown shows up.
The user can select one or more versions from the list. It’s also possible to start typing to filter the list. The dropdown has several sections that can be omitted if they’re empty:
recent versions
unreleased versions
released versions
--- divider ---
create version
When a version is added to the input field, it has a [x] button that lets the user remove it. It also has a clear button on the right side.
Clicking outside the dropdown closes it, and the input field is no longer selected, and the clear options are hidden.
The user can click the version name to open the version detail page (details below).
Adding a version to an issue (fallback)
If it’s not possible to implement the flow with a dropdown directly in the custom field, the fallback is a pop-up with the dropdown to select the versions and the option to create a new version.
Version operations
Creating a new version
It’s possible to create a new version from:
the app page (full-screen and with sidebar alike);
the issue by clicking the new version button.
The name for the version is mandatory, and the field has focus on when the user opens the modal. The new version will then be available in all projects and will show in the app.
The save button is disabled until the user enters a name. Dates and descriptions are optional.
📐 Confirmation flag: [Version name] createdhttps://www.figma.com/file/3rWq3ENHwXlWzPYD0YW75g/Team-Versions?node-id=57%3A14751&t=HPWMofr12NlFfRPP-4
📐 Error: This version name already exists https://www.figma.com/file/3rWq3ENHwXlWzPYD0YW75g/Team-Versions?node-id=57%3A15330&t=HPWMofr12NlFfRPP-4
Release version
Users can release versions at any moment by clicking the “release” button.
If everything is done, the modal displays a confirmation modal to confirm the release date.
📐 Mocks - all done: https://www.figma.com/file/3rWq3ENHwXlWzPYD0YW75g/Team-Versions?node-id=76%3A23888&t=ljqwydm5x7PKzOqP-4
If there are unresolved issues, the user must send them to a different version or ignore them.
📐 Mocks - warnings: https://www.figma.com/file/3rWq3ENHwXlWzPYD0YW75g/Team-Versions?node-id=76%3A21860&t=ljqwydm5x7PKzOqP-4
When the user releases a version, a flag appears to confirm the status change.
📐 Confirmation flag: [Version name] released https://www.figma.com/file/3rWq3ENHwXlWzPYD0YW75g/Team-Versions?node-id=57%3A15942&t=HPWMofr12NlFfRPP-4
Unrelease version
Previously released versions can be unreleased from the [···] menu. A flag appears to confirm the status change.
📐 Mocks - toast: https://www.figma.com/file/3rWq3ENHwXlWzPYD0YW75g/Team-Versions?node-id=57%3A15942&t=HPWMofr12NlFfRPP-4
Edit version
📐 Mocks - Edit: https://www.figma.com/file/3rWq3ENHwXlWzPYD0YW75g/Team-Versions?node-id=58%3A16625&t=HPWMofr12NlFfRPP-4(similar to create modal)
When the user edits a version, a flag appears to confirm the status change.
📐 Confirmation flag: [Version name] updated https://www.figma.com/file/3rWq3ENHwXlWzPYD0YW75g/Team-Versions?node-id=58%3A16055&t=HPWMofr12NlFfRPP-4
Archive / Unarchive version
Toast message to confirm the status change
📐 Confirmation flag: [Version name] archived https://www.figma.com/file/3rWq3ENHwXlWzPYD0YW75g/Team-Versions?node-id=58%3A17057&t=HPWMofr12NlFfRPP-4
📐 Confirmation flag: [Version name] un archived https://www.figma.com/file/3rWq3ENHwXlWzPYD0YW75g/Team-Versions?node-id=58%3A17451&t=HPWMofr12NlFfRPP-4
Delete version
A user can delete version a version from the table.
A confirmation dialog is shown if the version has associated issues. The user can choose to move issues to a different version or just delete de version.
If the version as no issues, it’s deleted directly, and a toast is shown.
📐 Mocks - delete: https://www.figma.com/file/3rWq3ENHwXlWzPYD0YW75g/Team-Versions?node-id=58%3A18240&t=ljqwydm5x7PKzOqP-4
📐 Confirmation flag: [Version name] deleted https://www.figma.com/file/3rWq3ENHwXlWzPYD0YW75g/Team-Versions?node-id=58%3A17846&t=HPWMofr12NlFfRPP-4
Version detail
When the user clicks the version name, a detail page opens.
📐 Mocks - Version detail: https://www.figma.com/file/3rWq3ENHwXlWzPYD0YW75g/Team-Versions?node-id=33%3A9571&t=ljqwydm5x7PKzOqP-4
📐 Mocks - Version detail - options expanded: https://www.figma.com/file/3rWq3ENHwXlWzPYD0YW75g/Team-Versions?node-id=74%3A19703&t=ljqwydm5x7PKzOqP-4
📐 Mocks - Version detail - empty view https://www.figma.com/file/3rWq3ENHwXlWzPYD0YW75g/Team-Versions?node-id=74%3A20897&t=ljqwydm5x7PKzOqP-4
The name, dates and description fields are editable inline. If the user enters a version name already in use, the name doesn’t update and a flag appears.
📐 Edit name: https://www.figma.com/file/3rWq3ENHwXlWzPYD0YW75g/Team-Versions?node-id=74%3A22896&t=ljqwydm5x7PKzOqP-4
📐 Error: A version with this name already exists https://www.figma.com/file/3rWq3ENHwXlWzPYD0YW75g/Team-Versions?node-id=74%3A23193&t=ljqwydm5x7PKzOqP-4
Issues section:
The issues section includes a progress bar of the version that reflects the done / in progress / to do issues.
The issues are organized in a table, that can be filtered with the tabs.
Users can add issues to the version, either from the empty view or the add issues button in the issues section. Multiple issues can be added at a time.
📐 Add issues: https://www.figma.com/file/3rWq3ENHwXlWzPYD0YW75g/Team-Versions?node-id=74%3A21361&t=ljqwydm5x7PKzOqP-4
📐 Confirmation flag: [Issue key] added / [number] issues added https://www.figma.com/file/3rWq3ENHwXlWzPYD0YW75g/Team-Versions?node-id=74%3A22491&t=ljqwydm5x7PKzOqP-4
Issue operations flags
📐 Confirmation flag: [Issue key] moved to [version name] https://www.figma.com/file/3rWq3ENHwXlWzPYD0YW75g/Team-Versions?node-id=74%3A20106&t=ljqwydm5x7PKzOqP-4
📐 Confirmation flag: [Issue key] removed from this version https://www.figma.com/file/3rWq3ENHwXlWzPYD0YW75g/Team-Versions?node-id=74%3A20502&t=ljqwydm5x7PKzOqP-4
Future developments
Admin settings
Select projects that can use Team Versions
Select users that can create / manage / release versions
Team Files integration
attach files and folders to version details
new automation: create a folder and attach it to the version page
Excerpt | ||
| ||
You'll find everything about using the Team Versions app on this page. From creating versions to shipping releases. |
About the Versions Manager
You can create and manage versions from the Team Versions manager, accessible from the project navigation or the apps menu on Jira’s main navigation.
When you open the Team Versions app, you'll see a list of the versions available in your Jira instance. If there aren’t any versions, you can create the first one.
Managing Versions
Create Version
You can easily create a version in the Team Versions manager:
Click the “Create version” button.
Type the name for the version.
[Optional] Add a start and end date.
[Optional] Add a description.
Click the “Save” button.
Info |
You can also create versions directly in an issue. |
Edit Version
You can edit the details of any Unreleased and Archived versions at any moment:
In the versions list, find the one you want to edit and click the context menu.
Click the “Edit” option.
Edit the fields as needed.
Click “Save.”
Info |
You can also edit the version on the detail page. |
Release Version
You can release a version anytime by clicking the “Release” button in the versions list.
A confirmation dialog opens:
✅ If all issues are done, you can confirm the release date and press “Release.”
⚠️ If there are unresolved issues, you can move them to a different version or ignore them, confirm the release date, and press “Release.”
Info |
You can also release the version on the detail page. |
Unrelease Version
If needed, you can revert a release. On the versions list, open the context menu and click the “Unrelease” option.
Archive Version
It’s possible to archive versions you won’t need but want to keep a record. From the versions list, open the context menu and click the “Archive” option.
Info |
You can also archive the version on the detail page. |
Unarchive Version
Plans might change, and you can unarchive a version by opening the context menu and clicking the “Unarchive” option.
Delete Version
If you no longer need a version, you can delete it. From the versions list, open the context menu and click the “Delete” option.
A confirmation dialog opens:
✅ If the version has no associated issues, you can confirm by pressing “Delete.”
⚠️ If the version has associated issues, you can move them to a different version or remove the version information from the issues and confirm by pressing “Delete.”
Info |
You can also delete the version on the detail page. |
Note |
This action is undoable. |
Version detail page
In the Team Versions manager, you can click the version name to open its page, where you can view all the information related to it.
Managing the Version
On this page, you can update the details of unreleased versions, including the name, dates, and description fields, by clicking the fields and editing them inline.
You can also perform all the actions related to the version:
Release: click the “Release” button and confirm the release date.
Archive: open the context menu and click the “Archive” option.
Delete: open the context menu and click the “Delete” option.
Managing issues
If you need to update your version’s summary, assignee, or status of the issues, click the issue key to open its detail page and make the necessary changes.
Adding issues
You add issues to your version by:
Clicking the “Add issues” button.
Select issues from the dropdown menu or search them by key or summary.
Click the “Add” button.
Info |
You can add multiple issues at once. |
Moving issues to a different Version
Sometimes priorities change, and you might need to change the version associated with an issue.
You can do this from the issues table by clicking the context menu and selecting one of the recent versions or clicking the “View all versions” to select a different one.
Info |
You can also edit the version directly on the issue page. |
Removing issues from the Version
You can remove an issue from a version by clicking the context menu and selecting the “Remove from version” option.
This action only removes the issue from the version. It doesn’t delete the issue.
Info |
You can also remove the version directly on the issue page. |