Opening the Team Versions Manager:
Team Versions will be accessible from:
the apps menu in the main navigation;
from the project sidebar;
Populated table
With builds available, the list is populated in a table with the following:
Start date
End date
Actions (Release, more options: Edit, Unrelease, Archive / Unarchive, Delete)
It’s possible to type on the search field to filter the versions and click the “All statuses” dropdown to filter the specific status of releases.
What can be done with versions
Users can perform various operations:
create / edit / archive / unarchive / release / unrelease / delete
Create Version
The user can create new versions, as seen previously, from the empty screen and then from a button on the top right side of the app.
Release Version
Archive Version
Delete Version
Version detail vision
Versions have a detail view.
view issues attached to the version
add issues
move issues to a different version
Version operations
Creating a new version
It’s possible to create a new version from:
the app page (full-screen and with sidebar alike);
the issue by clicking the new version button.
The name for the version is mandatory, and the field has focus on when the user opens the modal. The new version will then be available in all projects and will show in the app.
The save button is disabled until the user enters a name. Dates and descriptions are optional.
📐 Confirmation flag: [Version name] created
📐 Error: This version name already exists
Release version
Users can release versions at any moment by clicking the “release” button.
If everything is done, the modal displays a confirmation modal to confirm the release date.
📐 Mocks - all done:
If there are unresolved issues, the user must send them to a different version or ignore them.
📐 Mocks - warnings:
When the user releases a version, a flag appears to confirm the status change.
📐 Confirmation flag: [Version name] released
Unrelease version
Previously released versions can be unreleased from the [···] menu. A flag appears to confirm the status change.
📐 Mocks - toast:
Edit version
📐 Mocks - Edit: to create modal)
When the user edits a version, a flag appears to confirm the status change.
📐 Confirmation flag: [Version name] updated
Archive / Unarchive version
Toast message to confirm the status change
📐 Confirmation flag: [Version name] archived
📐 Confirmation flag: [Version name] un archived
Delete version
A user can delete version a version from the table.
A confirmation dialog is shown if the version has associated issues. The user can choose to move issues to a different version or just delete de version.
If the version as no issues, it’s deleted directly, and a toast is shown.
📐 Mocks - delete:
📐 Confirmation flag: [Version name] deleted
Version detail
When the user clicks the version name, a detail page opens.
📐 Mocks - Version detail:
📐 Mocks - Version detail - options expanded:
📐 Mocks - Version detail - empty view
The name, dates and description fields are editable inline. If the user enters a version name already in use, the name doesn’t update and a flag appears.
📐 Edit name:
📐 Error: A version with this name already exists
Issues section:
The issues section includes a progress bar of the version that reflects the done / in progress / to do issues.
The issues are organized in a table, that can be filtered with the tabs.
Users can add issues to the version, either from the empty view or the add issues button in the issues section. Multiple issues can be added at a time.
📐 Add issues:
📐 Confirmation flag: [Issue key] added / [number] issues added
Issue operations flags
📐 Confirmation flag: [Issue key] moved to [version name]
📐 Confirmation flag: [Issue key] removed from this version