Permissions [SP CD]

Permissions [SP CD]

Learn how to set permissions for connected folders.

About permissions

You can set different permissions to the connected folders to tailor the app experience to your team’s needs. You can decide if other people can edit the content or download files.

Setting folder permissions

You can set permissions when connecting a folder in the "Permissions" tab or from the File Manager at any moment by clicking the lock icon.

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The "Permissions" tab shows the current settings and how they affect your connected folder. The default settings allow users to edit documents and download files.

There are two options that you can select: 

Share as read-only

Select this option to turn your shared folder into a read-only state. This blocks other users from editing files in your shared folder, uploading new content, or deleting files.

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Allow downloads

This option controls if users can download files from your shared folder. It's active by default and can only be altered if the “Share as read-only” is active.

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Updating permissions

The connected folder owner can change the permissions anytime, returning to the permissions modal.

Permissions override

By default, the SharePoint Connector app requires user authentication to view connected folders and preview and edit attached items. Use the “Replicate storage permissions” setting and folder permissions to control better how files are shared, viewed, and edited.

Admins can change this to simplify sharing if there aren't specific user permissions from the cloud storage that need to be replicated on Confluence. This option overrides file permissions set in SharePoint and OneDrive for folders connected to Confluence. The original storages are unchanged and keep the permissions set.

Wrap up

Now you know how to set permissions for your connected folders to your spaces and make changes to your macros. Don't forget you can connect more folders from the file manager.

If you still have questions about the topics covered on this page, visit our support portal and send them to us. Our team is always happy to help.