Admin settings [SP CD]

Admin settings [SP CD]

Administrators can adjust how the SharePoint Connector app works to meet your team's needs and comply with company policies. 

About the Administrator Settings

As the name implies, these settings are only visible to users with Administrator privileges. All the settings on this page are accessible by entering Confluence settings and clicking on the "SharePoint Connector" link on the sidebar under the "Configuration" section.

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Allowed storage places

By default, users can connect folders from all the storage places supported by the SharePoint Connector app.

Administrators can easily restrict the use of specific storage places to ensure that the SharePoint Connector's use aligns with company policies.

SP-CD-admin 2.png

Turn off a storage place for all users

  1. Click the "Storage Places" section on the SharePoint Connector settings page.

  2. Click the switch on the storage places you want to turn off.

  3. The switch changes, indicating users can no longer connect folders from that storage place.

Changes to these settings are saved automatically and applied immediately.

What happens to places the users connected before the Admin turns them off?

If a user connects a folder from a storage place that the Admin later turns off, it becomes blocked inside the SharePoint Connector app. All connected folders from that place are blocked, too. If there are attached folders and files from a blocked storage place, the content won't be visible, and a warning will appear mentioning that the Admin blocked the access.

Turn on again a storage place for all users

  1. Click the "Storage Places" section on the SharePoint Connector settings page.

  2. Click the switch on the storage place you want to turn on again;

  3. The switch changes, indicating users can connect folders from that place again.

Changes to these settings are saved automatically and applied immediately.

Attachments layout options

By default, the files and folders attached to Confluence pages use a regular header and appear in the collapsed view to use less space on the screen. It's easy to preview the file by clicking the arrow to open the expanded view, which uses the width of the page and is 464px tall by default, or clicking the file name (or preview button) to open the full-screen preview.

The Admin can set different defaults for new macros in the Admin settings section dedicated to the preview options.


Attachment header

Select the default size for the header of new macros:

  • Regular: The standard size for the header of attached files and folders. It shows a big icon and additional details;

  • Compact: Uses a smaller icon and only shows the name of the file or folder;

  • Hidden for files: Completely hides the file header and forces the expanded preview option. Moving the mouse over the file will show a compact header.

Preview width

Select the default width for the preview:

  • Auto: The standard width for previews uses the available space;

  • Custom: Define a value for the width of the preview area.

Preview height

Select the default height for the preview:

  • Regular: The standard height for previews (464px);

  • Custom: Define a value for the height of the preview area.

Preview default visibility

Select the default behavior for the preview:

  • Collapsed: The standard option that hides the preview;

  • Expanded: Automatically shows the preview of files and folders. This option is required when selecting the “Hidden for files” header.

Changes to these settings are saved automatically and applied immediately.

Enable advanced SharePoint authentication

With this configuration active, the end user's client (i.e., browser) handles all communication between Confluence and SharePoint. Therefore, to use this mode in the app, the user needs access to both systems and a browser running on the local machine. The same principle applies to administration and the initial setup.

Confluence must be accessed via HTTPS (SSL)

Prerequisites for searching documents and lists from Confluence macros

Signed in users should have at least read access to the SharePoint site collection to perform search queries on SharePoint files and folders.

Create an Application on Azure Active Directory

Display Name and Application ID

This step is required for the Confluence SharePoint Connector app to send authenticated requests to SharePoint.

To access SharePoint, the SharePoint Connector App must be registered as an Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) application. After a user is authenticated, this registration process involves giving Azure AD details about the SharePoint Connector, such as the address to which replies should be sent.  

The Azure portal's current look might differ from this guide, as Microsoft frequently updates its user interface screenshots.


Register Application in Azure AD

Make sure to choose the right Azure AD if your account can access multiple directories on the Azure Portal


  1. Go to All Services > App registrations;

Screenshot 2025-01-28 at 17.09.10.png
  1. Select New registration;

  2. In the Register an application view, enter the Name and choose Supported account types;

  3. Click Register.

You successfully registered a new application.


Configure Application in Azure AD

Just select the application you created in the previous step.

If you are unable to find your application, make sure you have selected the "All applications" tab.

Note: the Display Name and Application ID might be different for you.

The application's Overview page will open.

Screenshot 2025-01-28 at 17.19.28.png


Make note of the Application (client) ID. You'll need it later.


Add Redirect URIs

  1. Go to the Authentication tab and click on Add a platform;

Screenshot 2025-01-28 at 17.22.35.png
  1. On Configure platforms, select Web;

Screenshot 2025-01-29 at 12.43.59.png
  1. Next, add the SharePoint Connector App Redirect URIs and click on Configure;

Screenshot 2025-01-30 at 15.31.34.png

Samples for Redirect URIs (use your instance URL):

  1. Click on Save to save the changes.


Set API Permissions

  1. You can go to the application's API Permissions page;

Request API permissions

Screenshot 2025-01-28 at 17.27.09.png

Note: The Microsoft Graph API permission: "User.Read" should already be present.

  1. Select Add Permission. The Request API permissions panel will open on the right;

Screenshot 2025-01-28 at 17.28.16.png
  1. In Microsoft APIs tab, find and select the SharePoint box. Choose Delegated Permissions as the type of permissions your application requires;

Delegated means the permission needs a signed-in user and actions are performed in the context of this user. The user will just be able to access data that he is already allowed to access in SharePoint directly. Our app is not able to access any data without a user.

  1. Expand AllSites and select the following permissions:

  • AllSites.Manage

Screenshot 2025-01-28 at 17.30.38.png
  1. Confirm by clicking Add permissions button on the bottom of the panel;

The permissions are now listed in the application's API Permissions table.

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  1. In the Grant consent section of the API Permissions page, click the "Grant admin consent for ..." button;

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  1. Confirm by selecting Yes on the confirmation dialog at the top of the page.

Granting consent means a user authorizes an application to access protected resources on their behalf. Granting admin consent to all users ensures that every user can use the SharePoint macros in Confluence.

  1. Now, you can go to Certificates & Secrets and create a New client secret. Give the name you like to it.

Screenshot 2025-01-30 at 15.38.03.png

Client secret values cannot be viewed except immediately after creation. Be sure to save the secret when created before leaving the page.

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Note the Application ID

You'll need the application ID that you got in step Configure Application in Azure AD.


Note the Directory ID

On the Azure portal, check for Directories and save the Directory ID.

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Note: Hovering sometimes fails in specific browsers. You can use another browser if this happens.

You can avoid typing this ID by navigating to Azure Active Directory -> Properties where you can copy the Directory ID to the clipboard

After following above steps, you should now have the following information noted and available for upcoming configuration steps:

  • Application ID

  • Azure Active Directory ID


Configuration of the SharePoint Connector App for Confluence

Navigate to Global Administration (cog icon) > Configuration > SharePoint & OneDrive Settings > Configure SharePoint connection and enter the required values.

You get the required configuration values by following the configuration steps described above.


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Afterward, you can Submit the entered values and go to the app File Manager in any Confluence Space to test the connection.


On this page, you learned about all the Admin settings currently available.

If you still have questions or require help with other global settings, visit our support portal to send us your questions or feature requests. Our team is always happy to help.