Project settings [SP JC]

Project managers can adjust the SharePoint Connector project settings to the team’s needs.

About the SharePoint Connector project settings

Project managers can find the SharePoint Connector project settings in the “Apps” section of the Project settings, accessible from the project sidebar or menu.

SharePoint Connector availability

The SharePoint Connector app is available by default for every project. Project managers can deactivate it in the project settings if it isn’t required in that project.

SP-JC-project settings 1.png

To deactivate the SharePoint Connector app, click the toggle to turn it off. You can reactivate it anytime by clicking the toggle again to turn it on.

Changing this setting saves automatically and applies immediately.


In the automation panel, you’ll find options to have repetitive tasks done automatically.

SP-JC-project settings 2.png

Create and attach a folder to new issues automation

With this automation active, whenever a user creates an issue, SharePoint Connector creates a folder with the issue key and attaches it to the issue.

With the automation active, the folders are created and attached to the issue, but you still need to add SharePoint Connector to the issue to view them.

Activating the automation

  1. Open the automation panel from the SharePoint Connector project settings.

  2. Click the toggle to activate the automation “Create and attach a folder to new issues.”

  3. Click the “Connect” button to select an automation folder. This folder will store the folders created automatically.

  4. Connect the storage place you want to use for automation.

  5. Select a folder from the connect folder modal.

  6. [Optional] Open the permissions tab to set who can view and edit the folder's content. By default, all users can access the folder and edit the content.

  7. Click connect

  8. After a few seconds, the folder appears associated with the automation. A tag is added by default to let you and your team know the folder is associated with automation. You can edit the tag at any moment or even remove it.

The automation is ready and starts working immediately.


Deactivating the automation

  1. Open the automation panel from the SharePoint Connector project settings

  2. Click the toggle to deactivate the automation “Create and attach a folder to new issues”


Changing the automation folder

To connect a new automation folder, you must first disconnect the current one.

  1. Open the automation panel from the SharePoint Connector project settings

  2. Click the context menu button next to the automation folder

  3. Click the “Disconnect folder” option

  4. Confirm that you want to disconnect the folder

  5. The automation turns off by default. Click the toggle to turn it on

  6. You can now connect a new folder


Open in original storage

  1. Open the automation panel from the SharePoint Connector project settings

  2. Click the context menu button next to the automation folder

  3. Click the “Open in [Storage]” option.

The folder opens in a few seconds on the original storage site.


Create and attach a folder for customers to new service management issues automation

This automation works mostly the same way as the Create and attach a folder to new issues automation, with some key differences:

  • It’s exclusive for service management projects, as its purpose is to create a folder that is shared with customers, where they can view files, edit documents and upload their content

  • The created folders have the “[issue key] - customer” for the name

Automation audit log

You can check the audit log at any moment to see if the automation is working as intended. The information can help you understand the problem, or you can share it with the support team if you need further help.

Automation folders in the File Manager

The automation folders are shown in the file manager and work as regular folders. Users can browse the content, preview, and edit files, create new documents, or upload content.

Disconnect automation folder

You can’t disconnect Automation folders in the File Manager. The project manager must disconnect them from the Automation panel in the Project settings.

Connected folders logs

If you're having issues with a connected folder, you can check the “Connected folders log” at any moment. The log will give you details on when a user connected it or if someone disconnected it.


On this page, you learned about all the Project settings available.

If you still have questions about the topics covered on this page, visit our support portal and send them to us. Our team is always happy to help.