Space settings [GD CC]

Space settings [GD CC]

Managers can adjust the Google Drive Connector space settings to the team’s needs.

About the Google Drive Connector space settings

Managers can find the Google Drive Connector space settings in the “Apps” section of the space settings, accessible from the project sidebar or menu.

Google Drive Connector availability

The Google Drive Connector app is available by default for every space. Managers can deactivate the app in the space settings if the app isn’t required in that space.

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To deactivate the Google Drive Connector app, click the toggle to turn it off. You can reactivate it anytime by clicking the toggle again to turn it on.

Changing this setting saves automatically and applies immediately.

Connected folders logs

If you're having issues with a connected folder, you can check the “Connected folders log” at any moment. The log will give you details on when a user connected it or if someone disconnected it.

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On this page, you learned about all the Space settings available.

If you still have questions about the topics covered on this page, visit our support portal and send them to us. Our team is always happy to help.