Comparing Team Files for Confluence Cloud and Data Center

Team Files Feature Parity comparison for Atlassian Confluence Cloud and Data Center

As organizations increasingly shift towards cloud-based solutions, it's essential to understand the benefits and differences of Team Files on Atlassian Confluence Cloud versus Confluence Data Center. Our Team Files app enhances collaboration and productivity, offering unique features tailored for each platform. This page provides a comprehensive comparison to assist you in making an informed decision about migrating from Confluence Data Center to Confluence Cloud, highlighting the advanced functionalities exclusively available in the cloud environment. Explore how the cloud version of Team Files can elevate your team's efficiency and streamline your workflows.

Feature Parity comparison:


Team Files for Confluence Cloud

Team Files for Confluence Data Center


Team Files for Confluence Cloud

Team Files for Confluence Data Center

Cloud storage services supported

  • Box

  • Dropbox

  • Egnyte

  • Google Drive

  • OneDrive

  • OneDrive Business

  • SharePoint

  • Box

  • Dropbox

  • Egnyte

  • Google Drive

  • OneDrive

  • OneDrive Business

  • SharePoint

Connect Cloud Storage Files & Folders to Pages

Full file manager

Data Residency USA/EU

Privacy, GDPR, CCPA Compliance

Powerful Admin and Space level settings

Confluence page’s native attachments advanced preview layout

Edit Confluence’s pages native attachments

View and Edit Permissions Settings by Confluence Users and Groups

Support for public pages

Hosted on customer infrastructure