What happens to Team Files attachments when a user leaves?

As a company grows and evolves, it’s normal to have new users coming in and some leaving the teams, which means that their cloud accounts, like SharePoint or Google Drive, are deleted at some point. What happens to the attachments made by a user that leaves depends on the authentication method selected in the Team Files app.

With “Simplified Sharing” / no authentication selected

This option is the default setting for Team Files for Cloud versions and older versions for DC / Server (before 3.0).

If you’re using simplified sharing, with no authentication, any files or folders that a deleted user had shared in pages or issues become broken.

If you want to keep the simplified sharing, another user with access to the files must attach the files and folders to the pages or issues again.

Alternatively, you can ask your admin to activate the “Replicate storage permissions” option in the Admin settings. This way, other users with access to the folders the user had connected will be able to continue using them, as well as viewing files and folders in pages and issues, by authenticating directly to the folders and files.

To learn more about the changes when authentication is turned on, check our documentation for Confluence Cloud, Confluence Data Center, and Jira Cloud.

With “Replicate storage permissions” selected

This option is the default for new installations of Team Files for DC / Server (3.0+)

If your team is already using the “Replicate storage permissions” option, nothing will change when a user leaves. As long the files and folders exist in your storage, they’ll be accessible with Team Files.